Owen Huang

Computer Science Undergraduate | Stony Brook University
Welcome To My Digital Portfolio Where You Can Find Some Highlights About Me
Check Out My Hobbies, Programming Languages, and Projects



Hey, how's it going? I'm Owen. I'm currently a senior trying to get my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I'm currently looking for internship/full time oppurtunities to broaden my knowledge in software development. Nevertheless, this is a website that I made for fun, using html,css, and javascrip, that have bits of information about myself and things that I worked on. Feel free to take a look. Enjoy!


Some Hobbies Of Mines 😉.


For starters, I love playing games. Gaming allows me to escape reality and is the easiest way for me to have fun with my friends. While, I don't play as much video games as I use to since academics/coding eat up most of my time, some games that I enjoy playing are:

  • Dota 2
  • Path Of Exile
  • League Of Legends
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Working Out

Working out is one of my other favorite hobby. Either it be going to the gym or going for a quick run, working out helps me de-stress and focus throughout the day. Being on campus all the time, it can get real boring and tiring especially if I've been gaming or coding for a few hours. Working out helps me from getting lazy and prevents me from sitting on my bum all day. While I might not be best runner, I hope to complete a marathon one day.


And of course, coding would be one of my hobbies. As a computer science major, coding is a way for me keep my brain active. I really enjoy learning new things and their flaws and annoyances, such as making this website where I learn the fun in css and the annoyance in *cough*javascript*cough* 😆. I recently been interested in machine learning/computer vision and been playing around with OpenCV. Nevertheless, I hope to keep developing myself and learning new things.


Programming Languages I Know 👌










A level building web application that allow users to design, save, and share their own gaming maps using tiles. Website can be viewed here: LevelCreator

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Wireframer Application

A wireframe application created in my web development class as a final project using react-redux. Additionally, we also use firebase to store different users data.

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A todolist created with react and uses firebase to store the todolist's data.

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USA Suicide Graphs

A project using D3 showcasing a variety of differnet graphs such as bar-graphs, scatter plots, correlation matrix, parallel coordinates, and PCA plots to demonstrate relations between suicide rates and factors such as year, age, sex, population, and GdpPerCapital. Here a video of me explaining my finding on a dashboard that I made containing 4 graphs.

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